Lorsque je télécharge un fichier Excel, cette erreur me parvient, quelqu'un peut-il m'aider?Accès au chemin Refus lors du téléchargement d'un fichier Excel
Access to the path 'C:\Data\IronElements\Upload\AUMData\20101202 031815.xlsx' is denied. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Data\IronElements\Upload\AUMData\20101202 031815.xlsx' is denied.
ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}\ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via , the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.
To grant ASP.NET access to a file, right-click the file in Explorer, choose "Properties" and select the Security tab. Click "Add" to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Mon code behind a la syntaxe suivante
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
string FileName = Convert.ToString(date.ToString("yyyyMMdd hhmmss"));
fileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs("C:\\Data\\IronElements\\Upload\\AUMData\\" + FileName + ".xlsx");
string connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLConnection"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection SqlConnect = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
SqlCommand cmdAssetUnderManagement = new SqlCommand("Exec_Insert_AUMAssetValue", SqlConnect);
cmdAssetUnderManagement.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
catch (Exception ex)
lblAUMTA.Visible = true;
lblAUMTA.Text = "File Upload Completed";
private void doesFileExists(string p)
p = string.Concat(p, "\\AUMSchema.xlsx");
if (!File.Exists(p))
il possède les autorisations READ et Write – Sravanthi
Assurez-vous qu'il dispose des autorisations pour le compte sous lequel le processus ASP.NET s'exécute. Oh, et assurez-vous qu'il fonctionne sous le compte que vous pensez qu'il est. – JohnFx
OK, ce n'est pas une bonne idée mais faites un essai. Affectez lecture/écriture au rôle Tout le monde pour ce dossier et voyez ce qui se passe. Le téléchargement devrait fonctionner après cela. – Davita