Selon l'API Rails (extrait ci-dessous), la meilleure façon de recevoir du courrier consiste à créer une seule instance Rails au sein d'un démon qui est invoqué par un MTA à chaque arrivée d'un nouveau courrier.Transmettre des données au démon mailer dans Rails?
Ma question est: comment transmettez-vous des données à ce démon lorsque de nouveaux messages arrivent?
Rails API Snippet
To receive emails, you need to implement a public instance method called receive that takes a tmail object as its single parameter. The Action Mailer framework has a corresponding class method, which is also called receive, that accepts a raw, unprocessed email as a string, which it then turns into the tmail object and calls the receive instance method.
class Mailman < ActionMailer::Base
def receive(email)
page = Page.find_by_address(
:subject => email.subject, :body => email.body
if email.has_attachments?
for attachment in email.attachments
:file => attachment, :description => email.subject
This Mailman can be the target for Postfix or other MTAs. In Rails, you would use the runner in the trivial case like this:
./script/runner 'Mailman.receive('
However, invoking Rails in the runner for each mail to be received is very resource intensive. A single instance of Rails should be run within a daemon if it is going to be utilized to process more than just a limited number of email.