2010-11-05 21 views

J'ai réussi à écrire un serveur Web tordu qui affiche du contenu généré dynamiquement. Toutefois, lorsque je tente d'afficher des fichiers image (png) à partir d'un répertoire (~ cwd/plots/image.png), le serveur échoue sans erreur et le navigateur affiche le texte alt ou l'icône d'image brisée. Qu'est-ce que je fais mal?Web torsadé: Comment puis-je correctement des images à partir d'un répertoire d'images?

import sys 
from twisted.internet import reactor 
import twisted.python.filepath 
from twisted.web import server, resource, static 

FILES = ["plot/", "plot/", "plot/"] 

class Child(resource.Resource): 

    def __init__(self,link, filename): 
     self.filename = filename 
     self.link = link 

    def render(self, request): 

     filepath = "/%s" % (self.filename) 
     linkpath = "%s%s" % (self.link, filepath) 

     self.getChild(linkpath, static.File(self.filename)) 

     return """ 
     <html><body> <head> <title>%s</title> </head> <body> <h1>%s</h1><br> <img src="%s" alt = "angry beaver" /> </body>""" % (self.link, self.link, linkpath) 

class Toplevel(resource.Resource): 
    #addSlash = True 

    def render(self, request): 

     request.write("""<html><body> <head> <title>monitor server listing</title> </head> <body> <h1>Server List</h1> <ul>""") 

     #assume a pre-validated list of plot file names. validate their presence anyway 
     if FILES: 
      for fileName in FILES: 
       if os.path.exists(fileName): 

         link = fileName.split('.png')[0] 
         link = link.split('plot')[1] 
         path = link[1:] 

         request.write('<li> <a href="%s">%s</a><br>' % (link, link)) 

         root.putChild(path, Child(link, fileName)) 
         #root.putChild(path, Child(fileName)) 

        except Exception as why: 
         request.write("%s <br>" % (str(why))) 
        request.write(" you may think %s exists but it doesn't " % (fileName)) 

      request.write("""No files given""") 


     return "" 

if __name__ == "__main__": 

    root = resource.Resource() 
    home = Toplevel() 

    png_file = twisted.python.filepath.FilePath('./plot/') 

    root.putChild('', home) 

    site = server.Site(root) 
    reactor.listenTCP(8007, site) 


  • Première: Afficher la source à http://localhost:8007/, vous devez modifier le code pour rendre lien correct à l'image.
  • Deuxième: Utilisez twisted.web.static.File pour contenu statique

code corrigé:

import sys 
import os 
from twisted.internet import reactor 
import twisted.python.filepath 
from twisted.web.static import File 
from twisted.web import server, resource, static 

FILES = ["plot/", "plot/", "plot/"] 

class Child(resource.Resource): 

    def __init__(self,link, filename): 
     self.filename = filename 
     self.link = link 

    def render(self, request): 

     filepath = "/%s" % (self.filename) 
     linkpath = filepath 
     #linkpath = "%s%s" % (self.link, filepath) 

     self.getChild(linkpath, static.File(self.filename)) 

     return """ 
     <html><body> <head> <title>%s</title> </head> <body> <h1>%s</h1><br> <img src="%s" alt = "angry beaver" /> </body>""" % (self.link, self.link, linkpath) 

class Toplevel(resource.Resource): 
    #addSlash = True 

    def render(self, request): 

     request.write("""<html><body> <head> <title>monitor server listing</title> </head> <body> <h1>Server List</h1> <ul>""") 

     #assume a pre-validated list of plot file names. validate their presence anyway 
     if FILES: 
      for fileName in FILES: 
       if os.path.exists(fileName): 

         link = fileName.split('.png')[0] 
         link = link.split('plot')[1] 
         path = link[1:] 

         request.write('<li> <a href="%s">%s</a><br>' % (link, link)) 

         root.putChild(path, Child(link, fileName)) 
         #root.putChild(path, Child(fileName)) 

        except Exception as why: 
         request.write("%s <br>" % (str(why))) 
        request.write(" you may think %s exists but it doesn't " % (fileName)) 

      request.write("""No files given""") 


     return "" 

if __name__ == "__main__": 

    root = resource.Resource() 
    home = Toplevel() 

    png_file = twisted.python.filepath.FilePath('./plot/') 

    plot_resource = File('./plot') 

    root.putChild('', home) 
    root.putChild('plot', plot_resource) 

    site = server.Site(root) 
    reactor.listenTCP(8007, site) 

PS. Vous codez est peu moche. Vous pouvez l'améliorer. Essayez de lire ceci:


m'a pris un certain temps pour travailler, mais cela est la réponse. – John