Comment puis-je appeler start()
ci-dessous?Génériques Java + Motif Builder
package com.example.test;
class Bar {}
public class Foo<K>
final private int count;
final private K key;
Foo(Builder<K> b)
this.count = b.count;
this.key = b.key;
public static class Builder<K2>
int count;
K2 key;
private Builder() {}
static public <K3> Builder<K3> start() { return new Builder<K3>(); }
public Builder<K2> setCount(int count) { this.count = count; return this; }
public Builder<K2> setKey(K2 key) { this.key = key; return this; }
public Foo<K2> build() { return new Foo(this); }
public static void main(String[] args)
Bar bar = new Bar();
Foo<Bar> foo1 = Foo.Builder.start().setCount(1).setKey(bar).build();
// Type mismatch: cannot convert from Foo<Object> to Foo<Bar>
Foo<Bar> foo2 = Foo.Builder<Bar>.start().setCount(1).setKey(bar).build();
// Multiple markers at this line
// - Bar cannot be resolved
// - Foo.Builder cannot be resolved
// - Syntax error on token ".", delete this token
// - The method start() is undefined for the type Foo<K>
// - Duplicate local variable fooType mismatch: cannot convert from Foo<Object> to Foo<Bar>
Foo<Bar> foo3 = Foo<Bar>.Builder.start().setCount(1).setKey(bar).build();
// Multiple markers at this line
// - Foo cannot be resolved
// - Syntax error on token ".", delete this token
// - Bar cannot be resolved
chaque fois que vous écrivez un argument de type explicite dans une méthode, dieu tue un chaton;) – sfussenegger
aha, c'est ainsi que vous spécifiez des méthodes statiques avec des types génériques. Merci! –
@sfussenegger: ok, y a-t-il un autre moyen de faire ça? –