2010-05-14 13 views

Existe-t-il un moyen facile d'obtenir le contrôle le plus proche d'un contrôle de choix?Contrôle le plus proche de VB.net

J'ai un bloc d'image et d'autres commandes de déplacement. Je veux supprimer le contrôle le plus proche de ma zone d'image.

Donc je dois obtenir la position de tous les contrôles et supprimer cela avec l'emplacement le plus proche de la position de ma boîte d'image. Je ne suis pas sûr de savoir comment le faire de la meilleure façon.



Si « le plus proche » dans votre cas signifie en effet « avec l'emplacement le plus proche de l'emplacement de ma zone d'image », le plus simple serait:

Me.Controls.Remove((From c In Me.Controls.Cast(Of Control)() Order By c.Location.Distance(PictureBox1.Location) Select c).Skip(1).Take(1)(0)) 

, où la distance est définie dans un module comme celui-ci :

<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _ 
Public Function Distance(ByVal p1 As Point, ByVal p2 As Point) As Integer 
    Return (p1.X - p2.X) * (p1.X - p2.X) + (p1.Y - p2.Y) * (p1.Y - p2.Y) 
End Function 

Voilà une forme entière de l'échantillon qui calcule « le plus proche » en vérifiant si la commande est fournie dans une des huit régions par rapport à la commande de base. La moitié du code est configuré en essayant d'imiter le scénario que vous avez décrit. Le MainButton_Click et ci-dessous est la viande du travail.

Option Explicit On 
Option Strict On 

Public Class Form1 
    Private MainPB As PictureBox 
    Private OtherPB As List(Of PictureBox) 
    Private WithEvents MainButton As Button 
    Private Rnd As New Random() 
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 
     'Setup the form with sample data 
     Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None 

     Me.MainButton = New Button() 
     Me.MainButton.Text = "Update" 
     Me.MainButton.Left = 1 
     Me.MainButton.Top = 20 

     Me.Width = 1000 
     Me.Height = 1000 
     MainPB = New PictureBox() 
     MainPB.BackColor = Color.Red 
     MainPB.Width = 100 
     MainPB.Height = 100 
     MainPB.Left = (Me.Width \ 2) - (MainPB.Width \ 2) 
     MainPB.Top = (Me.Height \ 2) - (MainPB.Height \ 2) 

     Me.OtherPB = New List(Of PictureBox) 
     For I = 0 To 50 
      Me.OtherPB.Add(New PictureBox()) 
      With Me.OtherPB(I) 
       .BackColor = Color.Transparent 
       .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle 
       .Width = 50 
       .Height = 50 
      End With 
    End Sub 
    Private Sub SetRandomPbLocation(ByVal pb As PictureBox) 
     'Just sets a random location for the picture boxes and ensures that it doesn't overlap with the center PB 
     Do While True 
      pb.Left = Rnd.Next(1, Me.Width - pb.Width) 
      pb.Top = Rnd.Next(1, Me.Height - pb.Height) 
      If (pb.Right < Me.MainPB.Left OrElse pb.Left > Me.MainPB.Right) AndAlso (pb.Top > Me.MainPB.Bottom OrElse pb.Bottom < Me.MainPB.Top) Then 
       Exit Do 
      End If 
    End Sub 
    Private Sub MainButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MainButton.Click 
     'Randomizes the location of the picture boxes 
     For Each PB In Me.OtherPB 
     'Will hold the closest control after the loop 
     Dim ClosestPB As Control = Nothing 
     Dim ClosestD, TempD As Double 
     For Each PB In Me.OtherPB 
      'Reset the control's background color 
      PB.BackColor = Color.Transparent 
      'Calculate the distance 
      TempD = GetDistanceBetweenToControls(PB, Me.MainPB) 
      If ClosestPB Is Nothing Then 'If this is the first time through the loop then just use this control as the closest 
       ClosestPB = PB 
       ClosestD = TempD 
      ElseIf TempD < ClosestD Then 'Otherwise if this control is closer than the current closest 
       ClosestPB = PB 
       ClosestD = TempD 
      End If 
     'Set the closest controls background color so that we can see it 
     ClosestPB.BackColor = Color.Blue 
    End Sub 
    Private Shared Function GetDistanceBetweenToControls(ByVal controlToCheck As Control, ByVal baseControl As Control) As Double 
     If controlToCheck.Bottom < baseControl.Top Then 
      If controlToCheck.Right < baseControl.Left Then 'Above and to the left 
       Return DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(New Point(controlToCheck.Right, controlToCheck.Bottom), baseControl.Location) 
      ElseIf controlToCheck.Left > baseControl.Right Then 'above and to the right 
       Return DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(New Point(controlToCheck.Left, controlToCheck.Bottom), New Point(baseControl.Right, baseControl.Top)) 
      Else 'Above 
       Return baseControl.Top - baseControl.Bottom 
      End If 
     ElseIf controlToCheck.Top > baseControl.Bottom Then 
      If controlToCheck.Right < baseControl.Left Then 'Below and to the left 
       Return DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(New Point(controlToCheck.Right, controlToCheck.Top), New Point(baseControl.Left, baseControl.Bottom)) 
      ElseIf controlToCheck.Left > baseControl.Right Then 'Below and to the right 
       Return DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(controlToCheck.Location, New Point(baseControl.Right, baseControl.Bottom)) 
      Else 'Below 
       Return controlToCheck.Top - baseControl.Bottom 
      End If 
      If controlToCheck.Right < baseControl.Left Then 'Left 
       Return baseControl.Left - controlToCheck.Right 
      ElseIf controlToCheck.Left > baseControl.Right Then 'Right 
       Return controlToCheck.Left - baseControl.Right 
      End If 
     End If 
    End Function 
    Private Shared Function DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(ByVal point1 As Point, ByVal point2 As Point) As Double 
     'Standard distance formula 
     Return Math.Sqrt((Math.Abs(point2.X - point1.X)^2) + (Math.Abs(point2.Y - point1.Y)^2)) 
    End Function 
End Class