2010-01-10 14 views



A partir de Outlook 2010, vous pouvez utiliser MAPIFolder.SetCUstomIcon comme décrit ci-dessus .

J'ai eu le même problème récemment et trouvé un bon bout de code VBA à Change Outlook folders colors possible?:

joelandreJan 12, 2015 at 9:13 PM

  1. Décompressez le fichier icons.zip à C: \ icons
  2. Définissez le code ci-dessous en tant que Visual Basic Mac ros
  3. adapter la fonction ColorizeOutlookFolders selon vos besoins Texte

    Function GetFolder(ByVal FolderPath As String) As Outlook.folder 
        ' Returns an Outlook folder object basing on the folder path 
        Dim TempFolder As Outlook.folder 
        Dim FoldersArray As Variant 
        Dim i As Integer 
        On Error GoTo GetFolder_Error 
        'Remove Leading slashes in the folder path 
        If Left(FolderPath, 2) = "\\" Then 
         FolderPath = Right(FolderPath, Len(FolderPath) - 2) 
        End If 
        'Convert folderpath to array 
        FoldersArray = Split(FolderPath, "\") 
        Set TempFolder = Application.Session.Folders.Item(FoldersArray(0)) 
        If Not TempFolder Is Nothing Then 
         For i = 1 To UBound(FoldersArray, 1) 
          Dim SubFolders As Outlook.Folders 
          Set SubFolders = TempFolder.Folders 
          Set TempFolder = SubFolders.Item(FoldersArray(i)) 
          If TempFolder Is Nothing Then 
           Set GetFolder = Nothing 
          End If 
        End If 
        'Return the TempFolder 
        Set GetFolder = TempFolder 
        Exit Function GetFolder_Error: 
        Set GetFolder = Nothing 
        Exit Function End Function Sub ColorizeOneFolder(FolderPath As String, FolderColour As String) 
        Dim myPic As IPictureDisp 
        Dim folder As Outlook.folder 
        Set folder = GetFolder(FolderPath) 
        Set myPic = LoadPicture("C:\icons\" + FolderColour + ".ico") 
        If Not (folder Is Nothing) Then 
         ' set a custom icon to the folder 
         folder.SetCustomIcon myPic 
         'Debug.Print "setting colour to " + FolderPath + " as " + FolderColour 
        End If End Sub 
    Sub ColorizeFolderAndSubFolders(strFolderPath As String, strFolderColour As String) 
        ' this procedure colorizes the foler given by strFolderPath and all subfolfers 
        Dim olProjectRootFolder As Outlook.folder 
        Set olProjectRootFolder = GetFolder(strFolderPath) 
        Dim i As Long 
        Dim olNewFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder 
        Dim olTempFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder 
        Dim strTempFolderPath As String 
        ' colorize folder 
        Call ColorizeOneFolder(strFolderPath, strFolderColour) 
        ' Loop through the items in the current folder. 
        For i = olProjectRootFolder.Folders.Count To 1 Step -1 
         Set olTempFolder = olProjectRootFolder.Folders(i) 
         strTempFolderPath = olTempFolder.FolderPath 
         'prints the folder path and name in the VB Editor's Immediate window 
         'Debug.Print sTempFolderPath 
         ' colorize folder 
         Call ColorizeOneFolder(strTempFolderPath, strFolderColour) 
        For Each olNewFolder In olProjectRootFolder.Folders 
         ' recursive call 
         'Debug.Print olNewFolder.FolderPath 
         Call ColorizeFolderAndSubFolders(olNewFolder.FolderPath, strFolderColour) 
    End Sub 
    Sub ColorizeOutlookFolders() 
        Call ColorizeFolderAndSubFolders("\\Personal\Documents\000-Mgmt-CH\100-People", "blue") 
        Call ColorizeFolderAndSubFolders("\\Personal\Documents\000-Mgmt-CH\200-Projects","red") 
        Call ColorizeFolderAndSubFolders("\\Personal\Documents\000-Mgmt-CH\500-Meeting", "green") 
        Call ColorizeFolderAndSubFolders("\\Personal\Documents\000-Mgmt-CH\800-Product", "magenta") 
        Call ColorizeFolderAndSubFolders("\\Personal\Documents\000-Mgmt-CH\600-Departments", "grey") 
        Call ColorizeFolderAndSubFolders("\\Mailbox - Dan Wilson\Inbox\Customers", "grey") 
    End Sub 
  4. Dans le ThisOutlookSession objet, définir la fonction suivante:

    Private Sub Application_Startup() 
    End Sub 


Pour ne pas colorer les sous-dossiers, vous pouvez utiliser la fonction ColorizeOneFolder au lieu de ColorizeFolderAndSubFolders, par ex.

Sub ColorizeOutlookFolders() 

    Call ColorizeOneFolder ("\\Personal\Documents\000-Mgmt-CH\100-People", "blue") 
    Call ColorizeOneFolder ("\\Personal\Documents\000-Mgmt-CH\200-Projects", "red") 
    Call ColorizeOneFolder ("\\Personal\Documents\000-Mgmt-CH\500-Meeting", "green") 
    Call ColorizeOneFolder ("\\Personal\Documents\000-Mgmt-CH\800-Product", "magenta") 
    Call ColorizeOneFolder ("\\Personal\Documents\000-Mgmt-CH\600-Departments", "grey") 

    Call ColorizeOneFolder ("\\Mailbox - Dan Wilson\Inbox\Customers", "grey") 

End Sub 

Lorsque vous déplacez des sous-dossiers entre les dossiers, ils doivent conserver leur couleur jusqu'à la prochaine fois que vous redémarrez Outlook.


Depuis le lien de pourriture peut prévaloir, j'ai édité dans les scripts. –