2010-11-01 13 views

Que devrais-je changer pour faire du travail sur Windows XP en gardant à l'esprit que nous travaillons sur Python 2-4?Pourquoi ce script python ne fonctionnera-t-il pas sur des jokers dans les noms de fichiers dans Win XP?

Author: Matt Weber 
Date: 03/04/07 

Renames files based on the input options. 

import os 
import sys 
from optparse import OptionParser 

def RenameFile(options, filepath): 
    Renames a file with the given options 
    # split the pathname and filename 
    pathname = os.path.dirname(filepath) 
    filename = os.path.basename(filepath) 

    # trim characters from the front 
    if options.trimfront: 
    filename = filename[options.trimfront:] 

    # trim characters from the back 
    if options.trimback: 
    filename = filename[:len(filename)-options.trimback] 

    # replace values if any 
    if options.replace: 
    for vals in options.replace: 
     filename = filename.replace(vals[0], vals[1]) 

    # convert to lowercase if flag set 
    if options.lowercase: 
    filename = filename.lower() 

    # create the new pathname and rename the file 
    new_filepath = os.path.join(pathname, filename) 
    # check for verbose output 
    if options.verbose: 
     print "%s -> %s" % (filepath, new_filepath) 

    os.rename(filepath, new_filepath) 
    except OSError, ex: 
    print >>sys.stderr, "Error renaming '%s': %s" % (filepath, ex.strerror) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    Parses command line and renames the files passed in 
    # create the options we want to parse 
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] file1 ... fileN" 
    optParser = OptionParser(usage=usage) 
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, 
         help="Use verbose output") 
    optParser.add_option("-l", "--lowercase", action="store_true", dest="lowercase", default=False, 
         help="Convert the filename to lowercase") 
    optParser.add_option("-f", "--trim-front", type="int", dest="trimfront", metavar="NUM", 
         help="Trims NUM of characters from the front of the filename") 
    optParser.add_option("-b", "--trim-back", type="int", dest="trimback", metavar="NUM", 
         help="Trims NUM of characters from the back of the filename") 
    optParser.add_option("-r", "--replace", action="append", type="string", nargs=2, dest="replace", 
         help="Replaces OLDVAL with NEWVAL in the filename", metavar="OLDVAL NEWVAL") 
    (options, args) = optParser.parse_args() 

    # check that they passed in atleast one file to rename 
    if len(args) < 1: 
    optParser.error("Files to rename not specified") 

    # loop though the files and rename them 
    for filename in args: 
    RenameFile(options, filename) 

    # exit successful 



Les langages de programmation ne supportent généralement pas la globalisation de shell sans que vous en ayez l'intention. Vous allez vouloir utiliser le Globbing module pour obtenir cette fonctionnalité.


Je pense que smth comme cela doit travailler pour vous

import glob#on the top of script 
for filename in args: 
    for match in glob.iglob(filename):#we use 'glob' module for support wildcards 
     RenameFile(options, match)