Je veux passer outre comment rails crée une vue * .html.erbRAILS PRÉPONDÉRANTS VUES renderization
Dans le paquet ActionView je l'ai déjà essayé de le faire. Le faire
class ERB
class Compiler # :nodoc:
class Buffer # :nodoc:
def compile(s)
#It stores in a buffer each ruby chunk in the views inside of a Buffer.
# Here it is where is called compile method.
# The thing is that if my view is made up of several *.html.erb files such as partials this method will be invoked each time.
#INVOKED PER EACH html.erb file
def initialize(str, safe_level=nil, trim_mode=nil, eoutvar='_erbout')
puts ">>> initialize"
@safe_level = safe_level
# ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.update(:default => "%d %b %Y")
compiler =
# raise "need a block"
# ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.update(:default => nil)
set_eoutvar(compiler, eoutvar)
@src = compiler.compile(str)
@filename = nil
Je voudrais savoir quand le processus sur le fond commence. Je veux dire quelle classe, fichier, etc. je dois remplacer pour voir où Rails commence à invoquer tout html.erb pour une vue spécifique.
Je pense que je devrais être ici:
require 'delegate'
require 'optparse'
require 'fileutils'
require 'tempfile'
require 'erb'
module Rails
module Generator
module Commands
class Create
# Generate a file for a Rails application using an ERuby template.
# Looks up and evaluates a template by name and writes the result.
# The ERB template uses explicit trim mode to best control the
# proliferation of whitespace in generated code. <%- trims leading
# whitespace; -%> trims trailing whitespace including one newline.
# A hash of template options may be passed as the last argument.
# The options accepted by the file are accepted as well as :assigns,
# a hash of variable bindings. Example:
# template 'foo', 'bar', :assigns => { :action => 'view' }
# Template is implemented in terms of file. It calls file with a
# block which takes a file handle and returns its rendered contents.
def template(relative_source, relative_destination, template_options = {})
file(relative_source, relative_destination, template_options) do |file|
# Evaluate any assignments in a temporary, throwaway binding.
vars = template_options[:assigns] || {}
b = template_options[:binding] || binding
vars.each { |k,v| eval "#{k} = vars[:#{k}] || vars['#{k}']", b }
# Render the source file with the temporary binding., nil, '-').result(b)
Mais je ne trouve aucune trace de la méthode met.
Tous changement de nom sont placés dans un fichier appelé /lib/*_extensions.erb
et /config/initializers/extensions.rb
je la prochaine:
Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../lib/*_extensions.rb"].each do |fn|
require fn
Je ne veux pas révéler pourquoi je fais cela.