2010-06-22 5 views

Je teste le gestionnaire largable photo Jquery Démo:Jquery largable Démo Aide


Actuellement quand la photo est supprimée, il est déplacé vers la poubelle. Comment puis-je copier l'image et la placer dans la poubelle pour qu'elle apparaisse aux deux endroits?

Voici le code:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
     $(function() { 
      // there's the gallery and the trash 
      var $gallery = $('#gallery'), $trash = $('#trash'); 

      // let the gallery items be draggable 
       cancel: 'a.ui-icon',// clicking an icon won't initiate dragging 
       revert: 'invalid', // when not dropped, the item will revert back to its initial position 
       containment: $('#demo-frame').length ? '#demo-frame' : 'document', // stick to demo-frame if present 
       helper: 'clone', 
       cursor: 'move' 

      // let the trash be droppable, accepting the gallery items 
       accept: '#gallery > li', 
       activeClass: 'ui-state-highlight', 
       drop: function(ev, ui) { 

      // let the gallery be droppable as well, accepting items from the trash 
       accept: '#trash li', 
       activeClass: 'custom-state-active', 
       drop: function(ev, ui) { 

      // image deletion function 
      var recycle_icon = '<a href="link/to/recycle/script/when/we/have/js/off" title="Recycle this image" class="ui-icon ui-icon-refresh">Recycle image</a>'; 
      function deleteImage($item) { 
       $item.fadeOut(function() { 
        var $list = $('ul',$trash).length ? $('ul',$trash) : $('<ul class="gallery ui-helper-reset"/>').appendTo($trash); 

        $item.append(recycle_icon).appendTo($list).fadeIn(function() { 
         $item.animate({ width: '48px' }).find('img').animate({ height: '36px' }); 

      // image recycle function 
      var trash_icon = '<a href="link/to/trash/script/when/we/have/js/off" title="Delete this image" class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash">Delete image</a>'; 
      function recycleImage($item) { 
       $item.fadeOut(function() { 

      // image preview function, demonstrating the ui.dialog used as a modal window 
      function viewLargerImage($link) { 
       var src = $link.attr('href'); 
       var title = $link.siblings('img').attr('alt'); 
       var $modal = $('img[src$="'+src+'"]'); 

       if ($modal.length) { 
       } else { 
        var img = $('<img alt="'+title+'" width="384" height="288" style="display:none;padding: 8px;" />') 
        setTimeout(function() { 
           title: title, 
           width: 400, 
           modal: true 
        }, 1); 

      // resolve the icons behavior with event delegation 
      $('ul.gallery > li').click(function(ev) { 
       var $item = $(this); 
       var $target = $(ev.target); 

       if ($target.is('a.ui-icon-trash')) { 
       } else if ($target.is('a.ui-icon-zoomin')) { 
       } else if ($target.is('a.ui-icon-refresh')) { 

       return false; 



Rewrite function deleteImage($item) afin qu'il l'élément ne soit pas retiré de sa liste initiale.