Ce que j'ai:maîtrisable ne filtre pas le modèle de niveau 2 avec HABTM et hasMany
"A" HABTM "C" HABTM "A" through join table "B"
"A" hasMany "B" belongsTo "A"
"C" is ordered by a "B" field
Ce que je veux:
// result:
[0] => array(
A => array(/* single model's fields I still need*/),
C => array(
[0] => array(C.field1, C.field2, ... /* Model C fields*/),
[1] => array(C.field1, C.field2, ...)
Ce que j'ai essayé:
// this gives me data I don't need:
A->find('all', array('conditions' => array('id' => $id)))
// result:
[0] => array(
A => array(/* single model's fields I need*/),
B => array(/* I DON'T NEED */
[0] => array(...)
[1] => array(/* ... etc, tons records I don't need */)
C => array(
[0] => array(C.field1, C.field2, ... /* I need these fields*/
[B] => array(/* I DON'T NEED */)
[1] => array(C.field1, C.field2, ... )
[B] => array(/* ... etc, each has a model B I don't need ... */)
En utilisant maîtrisable, je peux réduire la requête un peu, mais il y a modèle encore associé cruft:
// this is a little better
A->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('id' => $id),
'contain' => array('C')
// result:
[0] => array(
A => array(/* single model's fields I still need*/),
C => array(
[0] => array(C.field1, C.field2, ... /* I still need Model C fields*/
[B] => array(/* I still DON'T need this Model's fields */)
[1] => array(C.field1, C.field2, ...
[B] => array(/* ... still has unneeded model B */)
NB1: Je l'ai lu this, this et this du livre, ainsi que this et this.
NB2: J'ai aussi essayé
C->recursive = -1 // no effect
C->unbindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany'=>A)) // no effect
A->find('all', array( // not what I want, but it's still
'conditions' => array('id' => $id), // odd that this doesn't filter C's
'contain' => array('A.B'))); // fields out. same as second result
A->find('all', array( // also not what I want, but it's
'conditions' => array('id' => $id), // weird that this doesn't filter B's
'contain' => array('A.B.field'))); // fields at all;
Pour ceux d'entre vous qui cherchent la même chose, j'ai fini par formater le tableau avec $ A = $ data ['A']; $ B = Set :: classicExtract ($ data, 'B. {n}. {Champ1 | champ2 | champ3 | champ4}'); $ data = array ( 'A' => $ A, 'B' => $ B ); –