est une variable locale. Sa portée est limitée à la fonction GetArrayFromVector()
uniquement. Ne jamais retourner l'adresse d'une variable locale.Soit retourner le tableau par valeur:
std::vector<double> GetArrayFromVector(std::map<std::string, double> m,
char ** names, int count)
ou passer une référence au vecteur en tant que paramètres de sortie:
void GetArrayFromVector(std::map<std::string, double> m,
char ** names, int count,
std::vector<double>& vec)
ou, passer un itérateur de sortie:
void GetArrayFromVector(std::map<std::string, double> m,
char ** names, int count,
std::vector<double>::iterator vecIter)
Le dernier deux nécessiteront une implémentation minutieuse de la définition de la fonction et de l'appel.
De plus, si vous êtes jeu pour un peu plus d'aventure, essayez ceci:
// you'd need to change the value to use when an element is not
// found in the map to something that suits your needs
double pred(std::map<char*, double> haystick, char* const needle) {
std::map<char*, double>::iterator i = haystick.find(needle);
return i != haystick.end() ? i->second : 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::map<char *, double> m;
std::vector<char *> names;
std::vector<double> dv;
m[ "Sasha" ] = 729.0;
m[ "josh" ] = 8154.0;
// transform is part of STL's <algorithm> header
// it takes a container (actually a range -- [begin(), end())
// note it is a half-open range -----------^
// as is customary for all STL algorithms, applies the function
// or functor specified as the last parameter to each element of
// the sequence and writes the result back to another container
// specified via the output iterator -- the third argument
// since I have not reserved enough elements for the vector dv
// i cannot blindly use it -- i need a back_inserter to coax
// transform to push_back() instead of do an insert operation
// of course, for vectors, this is costly since reallocations
// may happen, but let's leave the performance aside for a while!
// ok, so what about the last parameter, you ask? it has to be an
// unary_operation. well, mostly so. but what is it that we want?
// we want to take an iterator from the original char* (string)
// array and see if there's an entry in the map. if there is one
// we retrieve the associated double value and put it in dv; else,
// we set a default value of 0 -- change it to whatever pleases you
// maybe a std::numeric_limit<double> if it works for you.
// you can create a functor inheriting std::unary_function and pass
// it on. that's the easy way out. but what if you already have a
// comparator, a C-style find() function? will it work? yes, it will.
// but we have to wrap it using the function adaptor std::ptr_fun
// to make the compiler happy (after all it wants a unary_function, right?)
// this simple scheme of things works very well, save for a last little
// glitch. the comparator actually takes two parameters -- a what to search
// and a where to search. and guess what -- the where to search is always
// fixed. so that gives us a good oppertunity to fix the first parameter to
// our map<char*, double> which is exactly what std::bind1st() does.
// surprisingly, now that you've fixed one function, you no longer have a
// binary function (one taking two arguments) but an unary one -- which is
// just what you'd pass to transform. voila!
std::transform(names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(dv),
std::bind1st(std::ptr_fun(pred), m));
std::copy(dv.begin(), dv.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, "\n"));
return 0;
Quelques liens intéressants:
Consultez également Boost. Ils ont fait de la magie avec bind()
Que avez-vous besoin à la fin? "double *" ou "std :: vector"? –
J'ai mis à jour ma réponse pour répondre à vos besoins. –