2010-12-14 79 views



Donc, vous voulez obtenir tous les tweets faites par un utilisateur et tous les tweets qui mentionnent un utilisateur (alias sont envoyés à un utilisateur)?

Pour la première voir,


Pour la deuxième voir,


Vous aurez besoin d'utiliser l'authentification OAuth pour accéder au dernier appel d'API.


une chose que nous pouvons supprimer les tweets ainsi ?? – Sandhurst


Yup. http://dev.twitter.com/doc/post/statuses/destroy/:id –


J'ai récemment écrit quelque chose. J'espère que cela t'aides. http://blog.rohit-lakhanpal.info/2013/06/console-app-that-displays-twitter-feed.html

using System; 
using System.Linq; 
using LinqToTwitter; 
using System.Threading; 

namespace Linq2Twitter 
    class Program 
     /// <summary> 
     /// Controls the flow of the program. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="args">The args.</param> 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      // This is a super simple example that 
      // retrieves the latest tweets of a given 
      // twitter user. 

      // SECTION A: Initialise local variables 
      Console.WriteLine("SECTION A: Initialise local variables"); 

      // Access token goes here .. (Please generate your own) 
      const string accessToken = "Access token goes here .. (Please generate your own)"; 
      // Access token secret goes here .. (Please generate your own) 
      const string accessTokenSecret = "Access token secret goes here .. (Please generate your own)"; 

      // Api key goes here .. (Please generate your own) 
      const string consumerKey = "Api key goes here .. (Please generate your own)"; 
      // Api secret goes here .. (Please generate your own) 
      const string consumerSecret = "Api secret goes here .. (Please generate your own)"; 

      // The twitter account name goes here 
      const string twitterAccountToDisplay = "roeburg"; 

      // SECTION B: Setup Single User Authorisation 
      Console.WriteLine("SECTION B: Setup Single User Authorisation"); 
      var authorizer = new SingleUserAuthorizer 
       CredentialStore = new InMemoryCredentialStore 
        ConsumerKey = consumerKey, 
        ConsumerSecret = consumerSecret, 
        OAuthToken = accessToken, 
        OAuthTokenSecret = accessTokenSecret 

      // SECTION C: Generate the Twitter Context 
      Console.WriteLine("SECTION C: Generate the Twitter Context"); 
      var twitterContext = new TwitterContext(authorizer); 

      // SECTION D: Get Tweets for user 
      Console.WriteLine("SECTION D: Get Tweets for user"); 
      var statusTweets = from tweet in twitterContext.Status 
           where tweet.Type == StatusType.User && 
             tweet.ScreenName == twitterAccountToDisplay && 
             tweet.IncludeContributorDetails == true && 
             tweet.Count == 10 && 
             tweet.IncludeEntities == true 
           select tweet; 

      // SECTION E: Print Tweets 
      Console.WriteLine("SECTION E: Print Tweets"); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Prints the tweets. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="statusTweets">The status tweets.</param> 
     /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception> 
     private static void PrintTweets(IQueryable<Status> statusTweets) 
      foreach (var statusTweet in statusTweets) 
       Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\n\nTweet From [{0}] at [{1}]: \n-{2}", 
