Comme suggéré par mon autre réponse, voici la version généralisée et industrielle de la solution.
(oui, je me suis ennuyé à la maison et avait rien d'autre de mieux à faire: P)
Ce script ajoutera un nouveau détaché commit en fonction de votre branche de conception locale, il n'affectera ni le référentiel de conception ni votre branche de conception. Le commit aura tous les fichiers désirés supprimés. Ensuite, il effectue la fusion.
Pour ceux qui sont trop paresseux pour lire le code complet, le « noyau » de ces étapes peut être simplifiée comme:
original=$(gitbranch HEAD) # current branch name, or sha1 if not in a branch
branchsha=$(gitsha "$branch") # sha1 of a ref, to force detached commit
git checkout "$branchsha" &&
git rm -rf "${files[@]}" &&
git commit -m "$msgcommit" &&
newsha=$(gitsha HEAD) &&
git checkout "$original" &&
git merge -m "$msgmerge" "${mergeopts[@]}" "$newsha"
Et voici le script complet:
(un peu modifié pour faire face à la faiblesse et la coloration de syntaxe limitée de SO, il est donc préférable d'obtenir la source vierge à partir du lien ci-dessous)
# git-strip-merge - a git-merge that delete files on branch before merging
# Copyright (C) 2012 Rodrigo Silva (MestreLion) <[email protected]>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not see <>
# Answer for "How to setup a git driver to ignore a folder on merge?"
# See
msgcommit="remove files from '<branch>' before merge"
msgmerge="Merge stripped branch '<branch>'"
usage() {
cat <<- USAGE
Usage: $myname [git-merge options] [-M <commitmsg>] <branch> FILE...
if [[ "$1" ]] ; then
cat >&2 <<- USAGE
Try '$myname --help' for more information.
exit 1
cat <<-USAGE
"git-merge that delete files on "foreign" <branch> before merging
Useful for ignoring a folder in <branch> before merging it with
current branch. Works by deleting FILE(S) in a detached commit based
on <branch>, and then performing the merge of this new commit in the
current branch. Note that <branch> is not changed by this procedure.
Also note that <branch> may actually be any reference, like a tag,
or a remote branch, or even a commit SHA.
For more information, see <>
-h, --help
show this page.
-v, --verbose
do not use -q to supress normal output of internal steps from git
checkout, rm, commit. By default, only git merge output is shown.
Errors, however, are never supressed
-M <message>, --msgcommit=<message>
message for the removal commit in <branch>. Not to be confused
with the message of the merge commit, which is set by -m. Default
message is: "$msgcommit"
-m <message>, --message=<message>
message for the merge commit. Since we are not merging <branch>
directly, but rather a detached commit based on it, we forge a
message similar to git's default for a branch merge. Otherwise
git would use in message the full and ugly SHA1 of our commit.
Default message is: "$msgmerge"
For both commit messages, the token "<branch>" is replaced for the
actual <branch> name.
Additional options are passed unchecked to git merge.
All options must precede <branch> and FILE(s), except -h and --help
that may appear anywhere on the command line.
$myname design "photoshop/*"
Copyright (C) 2012 Rodrigo Silva (MestreLion) <[email protected]>
License: GPLv3 or later. See <>"
exit 0
# Helper functions
argerr() { printf "%s: %s\n" "${0##*/}" "${1:-error}" >&2 ; usage 1 ; }
invalid() { argerr "invalid option: $1" ; }
missing() { argerr "missing ${2:+$2 }operand${1:+ from $1}." ; }
# Option handling
for arg in "[email protected]"; do case "$arg" in -h|--help) usage ;; esac; done
while (($#)); do
case "$1" in
-v|--verbose ) verbose=1 ;;
-M ) shift ; msgcommit=$1 ;;
-m ) shift ; msgmerge=$1 ;;
--msgcommit=*) msgcommit=${1#*=} ;;
--message=* ) msgmerge=${1#*=} ;;
-* ) mergeopts+=("$1") ;;
* ) branch="$1"
shift ; break ;;
files+=("[email protected]")
# Argument handling
[[ "$msgcommit" ]] || missing "msgcommit" "MSG"
[[ "$branch" ]] || missing "" "<branch>"
((${#files[@]})) || missing "" "FILE"
((verbose)) && quiet=()
# Here the fun begins...
gitsha() { git rev-parse "$1" ; }
gitbranch() {
git symbolic-ref "$1" 2> /dev/null | sed 's/refs\/heads\///' ||
gitsha "$1"
original=$(gitbranch HEAD)
branchsha=$(gitsha "$branch")
trap 'git checkout --quiet "$original"' EXIT
git checkout "$branchsha" "${quiet[@]}" &&
git rm -rf "${files[@]}" "${quiet[@]}" &&
git commit -m "$msgcommit" "${quiet[@]}" &&
newsha=$(gitsha HEAD) &&
git checkout "$original" "${quiet[@]}" &&
git merge -m "$msgmerge" "${mergeopts[@]}" "$newsha"
Une image vaut plus que mille mots ...
Avant fusion:
Après fusion:
Notez que la pointe de la branche "design" n'a pas été affecté du tout, étant même une branche locale, grâce à le tour de commit détaché. Autre que cela, les deux commits (la suppression et la fusion) sont des commits réguliers, avec des messages de validation appropriés et les parents. Et "master" branche est propre de tous les fichiers indésirables.
duplication possible de [Comment puis-je dire à git de toujours sélectionner ma version locale pour les fusions en conflit sur un fichier spécifique?] (Http:// to-always-select-ma-version-locale-pour-conflit-fusionne-sur-as) – givanse