J'ai un proc CLR stocké et avoir une transactioncope externe et plusieurs Transactionscopes internes, mais quand je cours le code et le transactionscope interne n'appelle pas complet il est toujours en train de commmiter l'insertion de données.TranscriptScopes imbriqués dans CLR stocké Proc
Les TransactionScopes internes utilisent RequiresNew.
Des idées pourquoi, code ci-dessous?
public static void spCreateAllocations(int campaignid, string product, DateTime startdate, double rate, int numweeks, int bonuses, string umguser)
using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
string sql = "";
DateTime actualStart;
actualStart = GetActualStartDate(startdate);
int hdrid = CreateAllocationHeader(connection, campaignid, rate, numweeks, bonuses, umguser);
sql = "SELECT * FROM VenuePanels WHERE SelectRow<>0";
SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connection);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
bool allocated = false;
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
for (int i = 1; i <= numweeks + bonuses; i++)
if (i <= numweeks)
allocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, campaignid, dr, actualStart.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), rate, numweeks, false, umguser);
allocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, campaignid, dr, actualStart.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), rate, numweeks, true, umguser);
throw new Exception("ERROR: These panels have already been allocated. Please Check the panel allocations!");
ProcessBursts(connection, hdrid, dt, campaignid, product, umguser);
//throw new Exception("Buggin out Here");
private static void ProcessBursts(SqlConnection connection, int hdrid, DataTable dtPanels, int campaignid, string product, string umguser)
LoadBursts(connection, campaignid, product);
bool burstallocated = false;
bool bonusallocated = false;
int lastweek = 0;
foreach (DataRow dr in dtPanels.Rows)
foreach (Burst burst in _bursts)
using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
for (int i = 1; i <= burst.NumWeeks + burst.Bonuses; i++)
if (i <= burst.NumWeeks)
burstallocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, burst.CampaignID, dr, burst.StartDate.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), burst.Rate, burst.NumWeeks, false, umguser);
bonusallocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, burst.CampaignID, dr, burst.StartDate.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), burst.Rate, burst.NumWeeks, true, umguser);
if (!burstallocated)
lastweek = i;
if (burstallocated)
LogAllocationError(Convert.ToInt32(dr["PanelID"]), burst.CampaignID, lastweek, burst.NumWeeks, burst.Bonuses);
[/ code]