Merci pour vos réponses. En fin de compte, j'ai écrit ma propre solution, donc je vais le poster ici pour quelqu'un d'autre qui pourrait le trouver utile.
Il prend en charge toutes les fonctionnalités prises en charge par Gravatar en ce moment, comme indiqué dans la question.
utiliser comme ceci:
<%= Html.Gravatar(Model.User.EmailAddress) %>
Je fourni des arguments optionnels pour tous, euh, des options. Ceux-ci peuvent être combinés.
// Use a specific image size (the default is 80px)
Html.Gravatar(Model.User.EmailAddress, size:64)
// Specify what image should appear if the email address is not
// associated with a Gravatar account
// Specify the maximum rating allowed for images
Html.Gravatar(Model.User.EmailAddress, rating:GravatarRating.Pg)
// Add any additional HTML attributes for the <img /> tag
htmlAttributes:new { @class = "gravatar" })
Voici le code:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace SampleNamespace
public static class HtmlHelperGravatar
/// <summary>
/// Creates HTML for an <c>img</c> element that presents a Gravatar icon.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="html">The <see cref="HtmlHelper"/> upon which this extension method is provided.</param>
/// <param name="email">The email address used to identify the icon.</param>
/// <param name="size">An optional parameter that specifies the size of the square image in pixels.</param>
/// <param name="rating">An optional parameter that specifies the safety level of allowed images.</param>
/// <param name="defaultImage">An optional parameter that controls what image is displayed for email addresses that don't have associated Gravatar icons.</param>
/// <param name="htmlAttributes">An optional parameter holding additional attributes to be included on the <c>img</c> element.</param>
/// <returns>An HTML string of the <c>img</c> element that presents a Gravatar icon.</returns>
public static string Gravatar(this HtmlHelper html,
string email,
int? size = null,
GravatarRating rating = GravatarRating.Default,
GravatarDefaultImage defaultImage = GravatarDefaultImage.MysteryMan,
object htmlAttributes = null)
var url = new StringBuilder("//", 90);
var isFirst = true;
Action<string,string> addParam = (p,v) =>
url.Append(isFirst ? '?' : '&');
isFirst = false;
if (size != null)
if (size < 1 || size > 512)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size", size, "Must be null or between 1 and 512, inclusive.");
addParam("s", size.Value.ToString());
if (rating != GravatarRating.Default)
addParam("r", rating.ToString().ToLower());
if (defaultImage != GravatarDefaultImage.Default)
if (defaultImage==GravatarDefaultImage.Http404)
addParam("d", "404");
else if (defaultImage==GravatarDefaultImage.Identicon)
addParam("d", "identicon");
if (defaultImage==GravatarDefaultImage.MonsterId)
addParam("d", "monsterid");
if (defaultImage==GravatarDefaultImage.MysteryMan)
addParam("d", "mm");
if (defaultImage==GravatarDefaultImage.Wavatar)
addParam("d", "wavatar");
var tag = new TagBuilder("img");
tag.MergeAttributes(new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes));
tag.Attributes.Add("src", url.ToString());
if (size!=null)
tag.Attributes.Add("width", size.ToString());
tag.Attributes.Add("height", size.ToString());
return tag.ToString();
private static string GetEmailHash(string email)
if (email == null)
return new string('0', 32);
email = email.Trim().ToLower();
var emailBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(email);
var hashBytes = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(emailBytes);
Debug.Assert(hashBytes.Length == 16);
var hash = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var b in hashBytes)
return hash.ToString();
public enum GravatarRating
/// <summary>
/// The default value as specified by the Gravatar service. That is, no rating value is specified
/// with the request. At the time of authoring, the default level was <see cref="G"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Suitable for display on all websites with any audience type. This is the default.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// May contain rude gestures, provocatively dressed individuals, the lesser swear words, or mild violence.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// May contain such things as harsh profanity, intense violence, nudity, or hard drug use.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// May contain hardcore sexual imagery or extremely disturbing violence.
/// </summary>
public enum GravatarDefaultImage
/// <summary>
/// The default value image. That is, the image returned when no specific default value is included
/// with the request. At the time of authoring, this image is the Gravatar icon.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Do not load any image if none is associated with the email hash, instead return an HTTP 404 (File Not Found) response.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A simple, cartoon-style silhouetted outline of a person (does not vary by email hash).
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A geometric pattern based on an email hash.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A generated 'monster' with different colors, faces, etc.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Generated faces with differing features and backgrounds.
/// </summary>
J'utilise votre code mais je ne peux pas deviner pourquoi cela ne fonctionne pas. J'utilise @ Html.Gravatar ("some_email", 100), mais il génère une sortie de texte en clair. Je veux dire qu'au lieu de l'image générée je vois le texte suivant: . Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? – Laserson
@Laserson, utilisez-vous Razor? Essayez ceci: '@ Html.Raw (Html.Gravatar (...))'. En ASPX classique, utilisez '<% =' au lieu de '<%:' (si je me souviens bien.) Les nouvelles versions d'ASP.NET MVC utilisent la classe 'MvcHtmlString' pour représenter la chaîne HTML encodée. Cette ancienne version renvoie une chaîne simple, qui est ensuite échappée dans le XML, ce qui signifie que le XML est rendu dans la page. Le code ci-dessus doit être mis à jour pour renvoyer une instance de 'MvcHtmlString'. Malheureusement, je n'ai pas le temps de le faire pour le moment. –
@DrewNoakes: J'ai compris. Suppression du commentaire – Shyju