FWIW je mis en place un système comme celui-ci:
public string FirstName
get { return GetPropValue<string>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); }
set { SetPropValue(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, value); }
// this is in a base class, skipped that bit for clairty
public T GetPropValue<T>(string propName)
propName = propName.Replace("get_", "").Replace("set_", "");
string attributeName = GetCrmAttributeName(propName);
return GetAttributeValue<T>(attributeName);
public void SetPropValue(string propName, object value)
propName = propName.Replace("get_", "").Replace("set_", "");
string attributeName = GetCrmAttributeName(propName);
SetAttributeValue(attributeName, value);
private static Dictionary<string, string> PropToAttributeMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
private string GetCrmAttributeName(string propertyName)
// keyName for our propertyName to (static) CrmAttributeName cache
string keyName = this.GetType().Name + propertyName;
// have we already done this mapping?
if (!PropToAttributeMap.ContainsKey(keyName))
Type t = this.GetType();
PropertyInfo info = t.GetProperty(propertyName);
if (info == null)
throw new Exception("Cannot find a propety called " + propertyName);
object[] attrs = info.GetCustomAttributes(false);
foreach (object o in attrs)
CrmAttributeAttribute attr = o as CrmAttributeAttribute ;
if (attr != null)
// found it. Save the mapping for next time.
PropToAttributeMap[keyName] = attr.AttributeName;
return attr.AttributeName;
throw new Exception("Missing MemberOf attribute for " + info.Name + "." + propertyName + ". Could not auto-access value");
// return the existing mapping
string result = PropToAttributeMap[keyName];
return result;
Il y a aussi une classe personnalisée attribut appelé CrmAttributeAttribute.
Je recommande fortement contre en utilisant GetStackFrame() dans le cadre de votre solution, ma version originale de la solution était à l'origine de la beaucoup plus propres:
return GetPropValue<string>();
Mais il était 600x plus lent que la version ci-dessus .
+1 Je me suis également demandé à ce sujet lors de l'implémentation System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase –