Quelqu'un peut-il me montrer comment calculer l'inverse d'une matrice? J'utilise VC++ 6.0Comment puis-je calculer l'inverse d'une matrice?
un coup d'oeil à CodeProject, uncancodenow, etc ..
Une autre bonne source est Numerical Recipes, bien que cela puisse être un peu exagéré.
Le MFC n'est pas un outil pour les méthodes numériques.
Le calcul de l'inverse d'une matrice nxn est simple. Je vais vous donner l'algorithme:
/* I took this from my implementation of CMatrix
* It works, but I'm not sure if it's the most efficient algorithm.
* 1. Start with Q = Identity, whose inverse is R = Identity.
* 2. Set i = 0
* 3. Replace the i-th column (zero-based count) vector of Q with the i-th
* column of the input matrix. This is an update of rank 1, so...
* 4. Using the Sherman-Morrison formula, update R (the inverse of Q).
* 5. The Sherman-Morrison formula also updates the determinant of the matrix.
* If it's zero, then the original matrix was not invertible.
* 6. Increment i
* 7. If i = n, stop
* This algorithm has the advantage of calculating the determinant of the original
* matrix in the process.
* My CMatrix class allows for general m*n matrices, it has these members:
* ldouble** x; // there's a typedef long double ldouble; in the header
* UINT row, col; // row count, column count
* My CMatTmp class is similar to CMatrix (it has the same members),
* but it represents a temporal matrix used in internal calculations
* My CVector class allows for n-dimensional vectors, it has these members:
* ldouble* x;
* UINT dim;
CMatTmp CMatrix::DetInv(ldouble& det) const
// The matrix must be square.
if (row != col) throw 0;
CMatTmp Rc(row), Rn(row); // Start with identity row*row matrices
CVector cc(row), lf(row);
det = 1;
for (UINT j = 0; j < col; ++j)
// Get the j-th column vector and subtract one from its j-th component.
for (UINT i = 0; i < row; ++i)
cc.x[i] = x[i][j];
cc.x[j] -= 1;
// Test whether the Sherman-Morrison corrector can be applied.
lf = Rc * cc;
ldouble den = 1 + lf.x[j];
if (!abs(den))
det = 0;
return CMatTmp(row,col);
// Update the determinant.
det *= den;
// Apply the Sherman-Morrison corrector.
for (UINT i = 0; i < row; ++i)
for (UINT k = 0; k <= j; ++k)
Rn.x[i][k] -= lf.x[i] * Rc.x[j][k]/den;
// Copy all relevant data from Rn to Rc.
for (UINT i = 0; i < row; ++i)
for (UINT k = 0; k <= j; ++k)
Rc.x[i][k] = Rn.x[i][k];
return Rc;
Vous voulez que nous fassions vos devoirs? ;) –
tag devoirs enlevé, cela ne semble pas explicitement comme les devoirs. Nettoyé le titre de la question et le libellé et ajouté quelques balises – mmcdole